Tuscany: Firenze (Florence), San Domenico, Fiesole

Watching the ITalian sun set from the hills of San Domenico

Watching the ITalian sun set from the hills of San Domenico

The villa where we're staying — at Centro Studi (CISL), in San Domenico — is a fifteen-minute bus ride from Firenze (Piazza San Marco, to be precise), half way up the hill to Fiesole.

My beautiful, wonderful, lovely, air-conditioned room — with en suite bathroom (shower and all!) — is on the level below the patio on the left side.

My beautiful, wonderful, lovely, air-conditioned room — with en suite bathroom (shower and all!) — is on the level below the patio on the left side.

A very cool tree on the courtyard bathed in vespers light.

A very cool tree on the courtyard bathed in vespers light.

L'ombrellino on the narrow road leading to the villa's fortified entrance.

L'ombrellino on the narrow road leading to the villa's fortified entrance.


A viewpoint along the walk up to Fiesole...


...and the view looking down on Firenze, complete with the then half-full moon.