Itinerary Insights: PARIS — Jardin des Plantes

Bienvenu(e) to the Jardin des Plantes, one of my favorite places in Paris. I made this short introductory video on a rainy day last August on a whim. (Notice how I'm translating the name of one of the galleries in realtime, i.e. as I'm speaking....) I hope you like it.

I look forward to posting more "Itinerary Insights" going forward — stay tuned!

In the meantime, please leave a comment below or get in touch to let me know from where you want to see a dispatch — or if you have an insight of your own to share!


Visit the Jardin des Plantes's fantastic site for more information.

I was so impressed by a fantastic, time-lapse-heavy video they have on their site, that I had to embed it here for your viewing pleasure:

A video of the main gardens of le Jardin from the official website [Réal. Frédéric Dubos et Sébastien Pagani, service multimédia © MNHN]

Join us for our SOUTHWESTERN FRANCE YOGA ADVENTURE, and you can spend a couple days in Paris on either end of the week — we'd be happy to advise you, should you want any help figuring out where to stay or what to do.